Vocabulário sobre Futebol em Inglês - Companhia de Idiomas

Vocabulário sobre Futebol em Inglês


A forma mais antiga e conhecida do futebol foi desenvolvida na China por volta de 500 a.C. Era conhecido como cuju (‘chute-bola’). O objetivo era chutar uma bola de couro em uma rede esticada entre dois postes.


O futebol, como conhecemos, foi desenvolvido na Inglaterra no século XIX. A Associação de Futebol foi criada em 1863 bem como as Regras do Jogo. A FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) foi fundada em 1904 para realizar competições internacionais.


Dizem que o futebol foi introduzido no Brasil no final do século XIX, por Charles William Miller. Ele era um estudante paulista que retornou da Inglaterra em 1894, trazendo na bagagem bolas, uniformes e um livro com as regras do jogo. No entanto, registros de 1875 relatam a prática do futebol em Curitiba. Mesmo assim, Charles Miller é considerado o pai do futebol.


Por ser uma paixão nacional, que tal fazer um exercício sobre o vocabulário envolvendo esse esporte?


Match the words to their definitions:


  1. Football pitch (British) / Soccer pitch (American)
  2. Bench
  3. Center circle
  4. Center spot
  5. Goal line
  6. Goal post
  7. Halfway line
  8. Penalty area
  9. Penalty spot / Penalty mark
  10. Stands
  11. Touchline
  12. Bicycle kick
  13. Clearance
  14. Corner kick
  15. Dive
  16. Draw / Tie
  17. Equalizer
  18. Free kick
  19. Foul
  20. Hat trick
  21. Header
  22. Kick-off (British) / Kickoff (American)
  23. Offside
  24. Own goal
  25. Penalty shootout
  26. Shot
  27. Throw-in
  28. Wall


(   ) The playing surface for soccer/football with its markings to show the area of play

(  ) When some players from one team stand together in a line to create a barrier between the ball and the goal when there is a free kick.

(   ) This happens when the game is tied after extra time in a competition and a winner needs to be decided. Each team takes turns with a penalty kick.

(   ) The opportunity is given when a player is fouled by an opponent

(  ) The marked line that goes across the pitch exactly halfway between the two goal lines.

(   ) The center mark of the pitch.

(   ) When a player has scored three goals in the same match.

(   ) This is the mark in the exact middle of the center circle where kick-off takes place.

(   ) The start of the match.

(   ) The area where substitute players sit and wait to be asked to enter the game.

(  ) An action that is not permitted in the game as it is against the rules. It gives the other team a free kick.

(   ) The marked lines going along the longest part of the pitch. When a ball is completely out of play, a throw-in is giving to the opposite team of the last person who touched the ball.

(   ) A free kick taken from one of the corners of the pitch.

(  ) A goal that is scored that brings the game to where both teams now have the same number of goals.

(  ) When a ball goes completely across the touchline to be out of play, it is giving to the opposite team of the last person who touched the ball. This is the only time a player can use their hands to touch the ball, in this case only to throw the ball back into play.

(   ) When a player kicks the ball backwards over his own head to try and score a goal.

(   ) When a player receives a pass and they are closer to their opponent’s goal than one of the opposite team’s players excluding the goalkeeper.

(   ) A goal consists of two vertical posts that are 7.32 meters apart.

(  ) When a player deliberately falls over when tackled, mostly when they aren’t even touched.

(   ) The two short boundary lines at opposite ends of the pitch.

(   ) A defensive kick that is intended to remove the ball out of danger from the goal area.

(   ) When a player accidentally helps the ball go into their goal, not the opponent’s goal.

(   ) This is also known as the penalty box.

(   ) Where the fans/ supporters sit in the stadium around the pitch.

(   ) When the game finishes with both teams having the same amount of goals scored.

(  ) When the ball is kicked or headed in the direction of the opponent’s goal in an attempt to score a goal.

(   ) A white mark in the penalty box from which penalties are taken.

(   ) A shot at goal that involves using the head to guide the direction of the ball.



A fim de continuar seu estudo, deixo aqui outras fontes para você mergulhar no tema praticando compreensão oral e escrita.


Dicas de vídeos com vocabulário sobre futebol em inglês:

Talk about Football in English: Learn the Most Common Words and Phrases in Football

Football Soccer Vocabulary

Football Terms and Phrases


Artigo sobre o futebol no Brasil:

More than a game: the importance of football to Brazilian Culture


Site da Copa no Qatar:

World Cup 2022




Football pitch (British) / Soccer pitch (American) – The playing surface for soccer/football with its markings to show the area of play

Bench – The area where substitute players sit and wait to be asked to enter the game.

Center circle – The center mark of the pitch.

Center spot – This is the mark in the exact middle of the center circle where kick-off takes place.

Goal line – The two short boundary lines at opposite ends of the pitch.

Goal post – A goal consists of two vertical posts that are 7.32 meters apart.

Halfway line – The marked line that goes across the pitch exactly halfway between the two goal lines.

Penalty area – This is also known as the penalty box.

Penalty spot / Penalty mark – A white mark in the penalty box from which penalties are taken.

Stands – Where the fans / supporters sit in the stadium around the pitch.

Touchline – The marked lines going along the longest part of the pitch. When a ball is completely out of play, a throw-in is giving to the opposite team of the last person who touched the ball.

Bicycle kick – When a player kicks the ball backwards over his own head to try and score a goal.

Clearance – A defensive kick that is intended to remove the ball out of danger from the goal area.

Corner kick – A free kick taken from one of the corners of the pitch.

Dive – When a player deliberately falls over when tackled, mostly when they aren’t even touched.

Draw / Tie – When the game finishes with both teams having the same amount of goals scored.

Equalizer – A goal that is scored that brings the game to where both teams now have the same number of goals.

Free kick – The opportunity is given when a player is fouled by an opponent

Foul – An action that is not permitted in the game as it is against the rules. It gives the other team a free kick.

Hat trick – When a player has scored three goals in the same match.

Header – A shot at goal that involves using the head to guide the direction of the ball.

Kick-off (British) / Kickoff (American) – The start of the match.

Offside – When a player receives a pass and they are closer to their opponent’s goal than one of the opposite team’s players excluding the goalkeeper.

Own goal – When a player accidentally helps the ball go into their goal, not the opponent’s goal.

Penalty shootout – This happens when the game is tied after extra time in a competition and a winner needs to be decided. Each team takes turns with a penalty kick.

Shot- When the ball is kicked or headed in the direction of the opponent’s goal in an attempt to score a goal.

Throw-in – When a ball goes completely across the touchline to be out of play, it is giving to the opposite team of the last person who touched the ball. This is the only time a player can use their hands to touch the ball, in this case only to throw the ball back into play.

Wall – When some players from one team stand together in a line to create a barrier between the ball and the goal when there is a free kick.


Escrito por Lígia Velozo Crispino para a revista Exame.



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