Teste de Inglês - Companhia de Idiomas

Teste seu Inglês

Quer saber em que nível está o seu inglês?
Faça o nosso teste abaixo e descubra!

Avaliação Inglês


1) São 30 questões de níveis diferentes.

2) Selecione a alternativa desejada para gravar a resposta. Você será automaticamente direcionado para a próxima, caso saia do teste irá perder a questão aberta.

3) Existe um tempo limite para responder cada questão. Este tempo pode variar: observe sempre o relógio no canto superior direito.

4) Se uma pergunta for exibida, mas não for respondida dentro do tempo predeterminado, ela será automaticamente anulada e você não poderá mais respondê-la.

5) Não use o duplo clique do mouse. Sempre que for clicar em algum botão, faça-o apenas uma vez.

6) Qualquer problema que tenha, entre imediatamente em contato com a equipe da Companhia de Idiomas.

7) Procure um lugar tranquilo e um horário que não tenha muitas interrupções para que possa fazer o teste de forma eficaz.

Cadastre seus dados abaixo para iniciar o teste:

1 / 30

Which of the alternatives below is correct?

2 / 30

Which alternative fills in the blanks correctly?

All ____ students in ____ class like ____ teacher.

3 / 30

Choose the alternative that fills in the blank below correctly.

Many people think that the new system is ____________ than the previous one.

4 / 30

Which of the alternatives fills in the blanks below correctly?

Financially speaking, Sally still depends _____ her parents, so she can’t buy everything she wants. She wants to become financially independent _______ them as soon as possible.

5 / 30

Which of the alternatives fills in the blanks below correctly?

Who _________ the answer? Jane doesn’t and _____________.

6 / 30

Choose the alternative that fills in the blanks correctly:

Julia really thought _______________ the explanation. She only __________ she ____________ the subject completely when she asked a question to confirm something and everybody stared at her.

7 / 30

Which of the alternatives below is grammatically correct?

8 / 30

You are mistaken. The project was not _________ at all. On the contrary, we had ___________.

9 / 30

Which of the alternatives fills in the blanks correctly?

My last vacations were awesome! We went to a farm last summer. The fun _________very early. We _______ a lot of animals, ________ in a lake, and ________ horses.

10 / 30

If an explanation was mind-blowing, then that explanation was:

11 / 30

Which of the alternatives below fills in the blanks correctly?

I know you do not need to ________ to go to the bank, but if you ________ those clothes to ask for a loan, the manager will think twice before ________ you any money.

12 / 30

Which of the sentences below means the same as “I did not understand a word he said”?

13 / 30

Which of the alternatives fills in the blanks correctly?

She did not follow the ______________ of the company. She also got involved with _____________ and scandals, so ________ all that we had to fire her.

14 / 30

Mark the alternative that is grammatically correct:

15 / 30

Which of the following alternatives is correct?

16 / 30

Only one of the following alternatives is correct. Which one is it?

17 / 30

Choose the alternative that fills in the following blanks correctly:

Our meeting with MEREX _________. I _________ you all that we have lost that new contract. The company has decided to do business with our main competitor and they will not _________ about it.

18 / 30

Which of the following alternatives is correct?

19 / 30

Which of the following alternatives fills in the blank correctly?

There are too many details to go over. I will need _________.

20 / 30

Mark the alternative that is grammatically correct:

21 / 30

Which of the following alternatives is correct?

22 / 30

Which of the alternatives below fills in the blank correctly?

You __________ waste my time!

23 / 30

Which of the alternatives below is correct?

24 / 30

Mark the alternative that contains CORRECT PLURAL FORMS:

25 / 30

If Carla says: “That is very kind of you, Anna”, then Anna should say:

26 / 30

Which of the alternatives makes the sentence below correctly?

I have to make a business trip _______ Monday. I intend to call as soon as I get _______ the hotel. But it will, of course, depend ______ the time I get there.

27 / 30

Which of the alternatives below is correct?

28 / 30

Which of the alternatives below fills in the blanks correctly?

When the phone _______ , he _____ up immediately.

29 / 30

Which of the alternatives below is grammatically correct?

30 / 30

Which of the alternatives below fills in the blank correctly?

The school also __________ free courses.

Your score is

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