Vamos aprender inglês com uma série imperdível da Amazon Prime? - Companhia de Idiomas

Vamos aprender inglês com uma série imperdível da Amazon Prime?

Primeiro tente adivinhar com qual série vamos aprender hoje: 

➤ Duas famílias têm seus destinos entrelaçados, em uma história que envolve conflito de classes, racismo, pressão psicológica e várias percepções diferentes do que é maternidade e “família estruturada”.  

➤ O livro e a série têm o mesmo nome, embora as histórias sejam um pouco diferentes.  

➤ Os personagens são complexos e intrigantes, não estereotipados e mais próximos de como nós somos.  

Está difícil? Pode piorar…  vamos continuar as pistas em inglês! hahaha

➤ It follows the intertwined fates of the picture-perfect Richardson family and an enigmatic mother and daughter who upend their lives. 

➤ The story explores the weight of secrets, the nature of art and identity, and the danger in believing that following the rules can avert disaster. 

➤ Starring Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington.

E aí, conseguiu adivinhar? 

Agora é hora de checar estas três palavrinhas mais difíceis, que apareceram nas pistas acima: 

to intertwine: to twist or be twisted together, or to be connected so as to be difficult to separate  (entrelaçar-se) 

fate:  a power that some people believe controls what will happen (destino)

to avert: to prevent something bad from happening (evitar) 

Vamos fazer uma atividade de Listening Comprehension!

Assista ao trailer oficial, sem legenda e tente completar os espaços em branco:

I have always had the best __________

Someone ______   ______ your house with you inside

Elena, do you know anyone that would do this? 

So, rent is 300 a month, well _____   ______  , but it is really not about the money for us

So you ______ it to her on the _____, just like that? 

Do you know ________  ______  this woman? 

What ___   ____   ____  you do? 

I’m ___ _______ 

And then you asked her to _____ ______  in our house? 

It is a beautiful _____  to know that your ______ can _____another person’s life

All mothers _______.  Money _____ it. But you can’t put a price on a mother’s love

Maybe you should wear her down. It’s actually your best feature. 

So, is it just you and ___ _____ ? 

We ____ ______  every few months 

She hides stuff, just like everybody else

I called the person that you ______  as your previously_____ and,strangely, he didn’t ______ to know you

If you wanna live in this house, you’ll  live by my ______

Who said you have to ____ ____ and take it? If you don’t stand up for yourself, who will? 

She has completely ______ in our lives, and I need to figure out who this woman is

We all have parts that _____  us

Did you really think I wasn’t gonna find out? 

Parts that we ____ _____ 

You haven’t been honest with me about anything

Parts that we are _____  to look at

You are becoming completely ______ 

I am completely raveled

Everybody is going to be held ______  for their actions

I know about your little secret

Are you _________ me? 


I have always had the best intentions

Someone burned down your house with you inside

Elena, do you know anyone who would do this? 

So, rent is 300 a month, well below market, but it is really not about the money for us

So you rented it to her on the spot, just like that? 

Do you know anything about this woman? 

What is it that you do? 

I’m an artist

And then you asked her to come work in our house? 

It is a beautiful thing to know that your actions can affect another person’s life

All mothers struggle. Money hides it. But you can’t put a price on a mother’s love

Maybe you should wear her down. It’s actually your best feature. 

So, is it just you and your mom

We move around every few months 

She hides stuff, just like everybody else

I called the person that you listed as your previously landlord and, strangely, he didn’t seem to know you

If you wanna live in this house, you’ll  live by my rules

Who said you have to sit back and take it? If you don’t stand up for yourself, who will? 

She has completely infiltrated in our lives, and I need to figure out who this woman is

We all have parts that scare us

Did you really think I wasn’t gonna find out? 

Parts that we run from

You haven’t been honest with me about anything

Parts that we are afraid to look at

You are becoming completely unraveled

I am completely raveled

Everybody is going to be held accountable for their actions

I know about your little secret

Are you threatening me? 


UOL Entretenimento : Little Fires Everywhere’: Por que vale ver a série com Reese Witherspoon

Escrito por Rosangela Souza e publicado na coluna semanal da Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.

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