Pronomes relativos em inglês com o Oscar 2018 - Companhia de Idiomas

Pronomes relativos em inglês com o Oscar 2018

Os pronomes relativos who, that e which ainda causam dúvidas nos estudantes. Então hoje vamos revisá-los, começando por quatro regrinhas básicas:


1. WHICH e THAT são usados para se referir a COISAS

Josh is on the team THAT won first place.
I love the watch THAT you gave me for my birthday.
She belongs to a great organization, WHICH specializes in saving endangered species.
You must have your own work area WHICH can be cut off from the rest of the house.

2. WHO e THAT são usados para se referir a PESSOAS

Anya is the one WHO  rescued the bird.
They’re just a normal couple and their kids are everyday kids WHO play in the street.
You seem to be very judgemental of anyone THAT is older than you.
They hired someone THAT could be a focal point for all these calls from the media.


Agora vamos praticar com diversão! Depois da confusão na apresentação do Melhor Filme no Oscar 2017 (“The Oscars Best Picture Fiasco”), muitas pessoas estão curiosas para saber como será a apresentação de 2018, que irá ao ar ao vivo (“live”) em 04 de março. Para quem gosta de cinema e está aprendendo inglês, o desafio de hoje é ler as sinopses abaixo e observar as regras de WHO/THAT/WHICH sendo aplicadas.


Two of the Best Picture Nominees

Seventeen-year-old Elio Perlman lives in Northern Italy with his translator mother and professor father, WHO welcomes American doctoral student Oliver to help with his work for the summer. The cultured yet shy Elio is impressed with the confident Oliver, and their friendship blossoms into a relationship that transforms his life.

In 1962, janitor Elisa Esposito works at a classified government laboratory THAT tests new technology to help defeat the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Isolated and lonely, the mute Elisa finds her life changing forever when she uncovers the truth about the facility’s most unusual and top-secret project.


Two of the Best Actor in a Leading Role Nominees

As Reynolds Woodcock, Daniel Day-Lewis plays a couturier*  WHO  unexpectedly finds love with a waitress WHO challenges his obsessive insistence on order and perfection.

As Roman J. Israel, Esq.,*  Denzel Washington plays an idiosyncratic lawyer WHO  finds his idealism tested after years of making sacrifices and eschewing*  personal comforts.


Two of the Best Actress in a Leading Role Nominees

As Tonya Harding, Margot Robbie plays the figure skater WHO  first became famous for her athletic prowess*  and then infamous for her possible complicity in an attack on her rival.

Meryl Streep portrays the publisher of The Washington Post, Kay Graham, WHO must overcome her self-doubt while deciding whether to publish the Pentagon Papers at a critical juncture*  in the paper’s history.



couturier: a fashion designer WHO manufactures and sells clothes THAT have been tailored to a client’s specific requirements and measurements.

Esq.,: used as a title of courtesy often by attorneys usually placed in its abbreviated form after the surname

To eschew: to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds

prowess:  extraordinary ability

juncture: a point of time


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Rosangela Souza (ou Rose Souza) é fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas. Graduada em Letras/Tradução/Interpretação pela Unibero, Especialista em Gestão Empresarial, MBA pela FGV e PÓSMBA pela FIA/FEA/USP, além de cursos livres de Business English nos EUA. Quando morava em São Paulo, foi professora na Pós Graduação ADM da FGV. Desenvolveu projetos acadêmicos sobre segmento de idiomas, planejamento estratégico e indicadores de desempenho para MPMEs. Colunista dos portais Catho,, MundoRH, AboutMe e Desde 2016, escolheu administrar a Companhia de Idiomas à distância e morar em Canela/RS, aquela cidadezinha ao lado de Gramado =) . Quer falar com ela? ou pelo Skype rose.f.souza

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