Você já ouviu o The Michelle Obama Podcast, no Spotify? É imperdível, ainda mais se você gostou do documentário Becoming, da Netflix.
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Mas vamos começar pelo que a Michelle Obama disse sobre seu podcast em seu perfil do Instagram:
“What I love about these conversations is that they’re issues we’re all dealing with (every day/everyday) —and they can take on new meaning when we’re going through a global pandemic or seeking out long-overdue racial justice in our communities.”
The Michelle Obama Podcast
A primeira temporada do The Michelle Obama Podcast começa com uma conversa íntima e informal com o ex presidente Barack Obama. Veja um trecho:
Michelle: “What we’re really talking (of/about) is our place (in/on) this world — how we feel (about/on) it and what we can do with the power we have,”
Barack: Your values always start with those closest to you, right? So, my mom deeply believed in everybody being worthy of love, praise, and support. I think part of what also happened, because I moved around a lot as a kid and I didn’t have a big extended family like you (did/had) , was that my friendships became really important. All my buddies whom you still know… Bobby, Greg and Mike – all the guys I (grow/grew) up with and have (stayd/stayed) in touch with all these years. That was my crew, that was my family.
Michelle: I mean, my values, in terms of what I think my obligation – my personal obligation – Michelle Obama – is that it is not enough that I succeed on my own. I have to care about the kid in the desk next to me at school because he’s just as smart but his mom works. And my father always kind of (taught/teach) us to take in everybody’s full story. Not to judge people, the drunk uncle or the cousin out of work. (…) You didn’t know what happened to them. You know, we weren’t special. And as a result, you know if something good happens to you, if you have an advantage, you don’t hoard it. You share it. You reach out. You give back. And I can say that my family, my neighborhood, my notion of community growing up shaped that view and shaped the (choose/choices) that I made in life as I (fell/felt) your experiences shaped yours.
- every day – advérbio (every hour, every year). Você vai usar everyday (junto) quando for um adjetivo. Ex: I love everyday conversations (conversas diárias)
- to talk about something or someone
- our place in this world
- to feel about something or someone
- like you did
- I grew up with (to grow/grew/grown)
- I have stayed in touch (to stay/stayed/stayed)
- my father always taught us (past) . Se fosse no presente: My father has always taught us. / My father teaches us every day.
- the choices that I made. (to choose é um verbo)
- … as I felt your experiences,… (to fall/fell/fallen – cair / to feel/felt/felt – sentir)
- to take on new meaning = to acquire
- to go through = to continue firmly or obstinately to the end
- to be worthy of love = to be good enough to have love, to deserve
- to hoard= to keep to yourself, to hide