Praticando o Inglês com o Livro de Anne Morrow Lindbergh - Companhia de Idiomas

Praticando o Inglês com o Livro de Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Viver de maneira mais lenta e apreciativa, pousar a mente onde o corpo está, ou seja, atenção no que estamos vivendo no presente, são ações fundamentais para o nosso equilíbrio, saúde mental e produtividade no trabalho e no estudo.

Selecionei alguns trechos da introdução comemorativa de 50 anos do lançamento do livro Gift from the Sea (Presente do Mar) de Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Esta introdução foi escrita pela filha dela Reeve Lindbergh. Apesar de ter sido escrito em 1955, até os dias de hoje, a sua narrativa é atual.


Para ter um propósito de aprendizagem do inglês, enquanto você lê, selecione as alternativas para preencher o texto:

My mother, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, published this book over fifty years ago, and I feel as if I have read it fifty times 1. (   ) since than  (   ) since then. Gift from the Sea first 2. (   ) came out  (   ) came off  when I was ten years old, and this edition is appearing in my sixtieth year. I 3. (   ) blushed (   ) blush to confess that I’d never read the book at all until I was in my twenties, 4. (   ) though  (   ) tough it is not common for the children of writers, whoever they may be.


 At 5. (   ) wherever   (    ) whatever point one opens the book, to any chapter or page, the author’s words offer a chance to 6. (   ) breath   (   ) breathe and to live more slowly. The book makes it possible to quiet down and rest in the present, no matter what the circumstances may be. Just to read it – a little of it or in its entirety – is to exist for a while in a different and more peaceful tempo.


 Above all, I think, Gift from the Sea offers its readers 7. (   ) a unusual  (   )  an unusual kind of freedom. It is hard to recognize, or even to describe, but I think this freedom is the real reason the book continues to be so well loved and so well read after all these years. I am talking about the freedom that comes from 8. (   )  choosing  (   ) choose to remain open, as my mother did, to 9. (   ) live  (   ) life itself, whatever it may bring: joys, sorrows, triumphs, failures, suffering, comfort, and certainly, always, change.

 In honest reflection upon her own experience, in trying to live from a core of inner stillness while actively responding, as we all must do, to the “here and the now”, my mother 10. (   ) quiet  (   ) quietly set herself free, into her own life and into all life.

 Reeve Lindbergh, 2005


Deixo aqui também o link de 3 vídeos para quem quiser se aprofundar mais na história de vida de Anne Morrow Lindbergh e praticar a compreensão oral em inglês.

Este vídeo é com Reeve, filha dela. Ela mostra Captiva Island e a casa onde a mãe ficou sozinha para escrever o livro:

Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Aqui o relato de seu casamento e sua vida como aviadora ao lado do marido:

Celebrity Couple – a clip from “Anne Morrow Lindbergh: You’ll Have the Sky”


Neste vídeo, há o relato do estranho e misterioso sequestro e assassinato do primeiro filho do casal, que tinha menos de 2 anos:

The Circumstances Surrounding the Kidnapping of the Lindbergh Baby


Sente que precisa de ajuda para incorporar hábitos, se expor, ou tem outras dificuldades de aprendizagem do inglês ou outro idioma estrangeiro? A equipe da @verbify.oficial, empresa do grupo Companhia de idiomas, está oferecendo 5 vagas em nossa mentoria gratuita sobre Aprender a Aprender, para leitoras e leitores dessa coluna (é só citar que viu as dicas na Fale diretamente conosco por DM ou por e-mail:



My mother, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, published this book over fifty years ago, and I feel as if I have read it fifty times since then. Gift from the Sea first came out when I was ten years old, and this edition is appearing in my sixtieth year. I blush to confess that I’d never read the book at all until I was in my twenties, though it is not common for the children of writers, whoever they may be.


At whatever point one opens the book, to any chapter or page, the author’s words offer a chance to breathe and to live more slowly. The book makes it possible to quiet down and rest in the present, no matter what the circumstances may be. Just to read it – a little of it or in its entirety – is to exist for a while in a different and more peaceful tempo.


Above all, I think, Gift from the Sea offers its readers an unusual kind of freedom. It is hard to recognize, or even to describe, but I think this freedom is the real reason the book continues to be so well loved and so well read after all these years. I am talking about the freedom that comes from choosing to remain open, as my mother did, to life itself, whatever it may bring: joys, sorrows, triumphs, failures, suffering, comfort, and certainly, always, change.


In honest reflection upon her own experience, in trying to live from a core of inner stillness while actively responding, as we all must do, to the “here and the now”, my mother quietly set herself free, into her own life and into all life.

Reeve Lindbergh, 2005



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