Você sabe o que são palavras homófonas?
São aquelas palavras que têm a mesma pronúncia, mas diferem em significado e ortografia. Existem mais de 400 pares ou trios de palavras homófonas no inglês.
Esta dica é muito importante, pois vejo que muitos alunos se esforçam para pronunciar essas palavras de maneira diferente e acabam errando. Elimine erros e melhore a sua fluência, estudando esta lista de palavras, ouvindo a pronúncia das palavras e realizando o exercício proposto.
Clique aqui e veja a tabela com os "homophones" mais importantes em inglês.
* Algumas palavras da lista acima estão apenas com seus significados mais comuns em português
Para conferir o som de cada palavra da lista, use o Free Dictionary. Lá você tem a pronúncia americana e britânica.
Agora, vamos praticar um pouco? Preencha as frases com as palavras abaixo:
Knew – New – Pair – Pear – Sea – See – Hear – Here – Be – Bee – Hair – Hare – Dear – Deer Right – Write – Piece – Peace – Bear – Bare – Cent – Scent – Sent – Flour – Flower – Knot – Not
1. The cake needed ______________, which had dropped out on the way.
2. The ________________ had no water so it started to wilt.
3. Unfortunately your decision was not __________.
4. I want to ___________ another book next year.
5. My favorite fruit is _________ because it is very juicy and has lots of flavor.
6. I had just bought a new _____________ of shoes at the store and when I went to school another girl had the same exact shoes.
7. I ____________ a lot of things when I am home alone with my sister.
8. I am going to be _____________in the office until 8pm.
9. I will _________ at the park with some friends in the afternoon.
10. The __________ makes honey.
11. It is really sad to see that there are people who still go hunting and kill animals such as _________.
12. What a __________ she is!
13. I go out to _________ every year with my parents for a cruise on blue majestic waters.
14. I __________ lots of things outside of school that no one knows about.
15. I asked my dad if he could give me a __________ of cake and he forgot to bring it to me.
16. He was arrested for disturbing the _____________.
17. She got her __________ cut yesterday.
18. A ____________ is always jumping around like a bunny.
19. He was attacked by a ____________in the forest.
20. I felt _________ without my makeup.
21. I suddenly got a __________ in my stomach I had forgotten Lizzy’s present .
22. It’s __________ my fault you that you can’t speak English!
23. I ____________ it was going to happen…
24. I’ve just bought a brand __________ car.
25. I bought a chocolate bar for a _____________.
26. The boy’s __________ smelt musky and strong.
27. The troops were ________ to the Middle East.
1.The cake needed flour, which had dropped out on the way.
2. The flower had no water so it started to wilt.
3. Unfortunately your decision was not right.
4. I want to write another book next year.
5. My favorite fruit is a pear because it is very juicy and has lots of flavor.
6. I had just bought a new pair of shoes at the store and when I went to school another girl had the same exact shoes.
7. I hear a lot of things when I am home alone with my sister.
8. I am going to be here in the office until 8pm.
9. I will be at the park with some friends in the afternoon.
10. The bee makes honey.
11. It is really sad to see that there are people who still go hunting and kill animals such as the deer.
12. What a dear she is!
13. I go out to sea every year with my parents for a cruise on blue majestic waters.
14. I see lots of things outside of school that no one knows about.
15. I asked my dad if he could give me a piece of cake and he forgot to bring it to me.
16. He was arrested for disturbing the Peace.
17. She got her hair cut yesterday.
18. A hare is always jumping around like a bunny.
19. He was attacked by a bear in the forest.
20. I felt bare without my makeup.
21. I suddenly got a knot in my stomach I had forgotten Lizzy’s present.
22. It’s not my fault you that you can’t speak English!
23. I knew it was going to happen…
24. I’ve just bought a brand new car.
25. I bought a chocolate bar for a cent.
26. The boy’s scent smelt musky and strong.
27. The troops were sent to the Middle East.
2. The flower had no water so it started to wilt.
3. Unfortunately your decision was not right.
4. I want to write another book next year.
5. My favorite fruit is a pear because it is very juicy and has lots of flavor.
6. I had just bought a new pair of shoes at the store and when I went to school another girl had the same exact shoes.
7. I hear a lot of things when I am home alone with my sister.
8. I am going to be here in the office until 8pm.
9. I will be at the park with some friends in the afternoon.
10. The bee makes honey.
11. It is really sad to see that there are people who still go hunting and kill animals such as the deer.
12. What a dear she is!
13. I go out to sea every year with my parents for a cruise on blue majestic waters.
14. I see lots of things outside of school that no one knows about.
15. I asked my dad if he could give me a piece of cake and he forgot to bring it to me.
16. He was arrested for disturbing the Peace.
17. She got her hair cut yesterday.
18. A hare is always jumping around like a bunny.
19. He was attacked by a bear in the forest.
20. I felt bare without my makeup.
21. I suddenly got a knot in my stomach I had forgotten Lizzy’s present.
22. It’s not my fault you that you can’t speak English!
23. I knew it was going to happen…
24. I’ve just bought a brand new car.
25. I bought a chocolate bar for a cent.
26. The boy’s scent smelt musky and strong.
27. The troops were sent to the Middle East.
Escrito por Lígia Crispino. Publicado em 10/08 na coluna semanal da Exame.com. Editado por Lígia Crispino para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.
Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e do ProfCerto. Graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC. Coautora do Guia Corporativo Política de Treinamento para RHs e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha. Colunista dos portais RH.com, Vagas Profissões e Revista da Cultura. Organizadora do Sarau Conversar na Livraria Cultura.
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