Há alguns dias, 234 cientistas climáticos do mundo alertaram a todos nós sobre o agravamento e a emergência da situação do clima global. Se esse tema é chato para você, que tal começar a mudar de ideia e de atitudes?
Vamos juntos, com este resumo do artigo do Greenpeace? Além de ampliar a consciência sobre algo muito sério, ampliaremos também…o seu vocabulário em inglês, olha só!
Algumas palavras foram colocadas propositalmente em português no texto, para você testar se saberia dizer em inglês. Depois você pode conferir o texto em inglês, que foi adaptado do original do Greenpeace (link no final).
What I can do
First, what is the pegadas de carbono?
That’s the amount of gases de efeito estufa they emit into the atmosphere through our lifestyles.
What can I do to reduce my personal pegadas de carbono and help stop mudanças climáticas?
First, just think:
- Making sweeping lifestyle changes can be difficult, expensive or simply insustentável for many people.
- So, start with what motivates or interests you – as for any change to be sustainable, you have to be keen to make it.
The best way to help is to do what you can, as a new lifestyle.
- Eat less or no meat and laticínios
- Drive and fly less
- Switch to energias renováveis. If possible, buy painéis solares
- Choose more eco-friendly products
- Buy from companies that have targets to reduce their own pegadas de carbono
- Get active in lobbying your representatives
- Put pressure on corporations to do the right thing
Any action you take will make a difference – especially if enough people take action alongside you too.
Conseguiu completar com as palavras em inglês? Agora, leia o texto inteiro:
What I can do
First, what is the carbon footprint?
That’s the amount of greenhouse gases they emit into the atmosphere through our lifestyles.
What can I do to reduce my personal carbon footprint and help stop climate change?
First, just think:
- Making sweeping lifestyle changes can be difficult, expensive or simply unsustainable for many people.
- So, start with what motivates or interests you – as for any change to be sustainable, you have to be keen to make it.
The best way to help is to do what you can, as a new lifestyle.
- Eat less or no meat and dairy
- Drive and fly less
- Switch to renewable energy. If possible, buy solar panels
- Choose more eco-friendly products
- Buy from companies that have targets to reduce their own carbon footprint
- Get active in lobbying your representatives
- Put pressure on corporations to do the right thing
Any action you take will make a difference – especially if enough people take action alongside you too.
Adapted from: https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/challenges/climate-change/what-can-i-do-to-stop-climate-change/
Escrito por Rose Souza e publicado na coluna semanal da Exame.com. Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.