Sim, são duas séries muito diferentes entre si!
Mas ambas nos ensinam – ou nos lembram – um jeito bom e justo de ver o mundo e as pessoas.
E como aqui a gente quer que você melhore seu inglês, hoje você vai ler algumas frases tiradas das duas séries, para checar se consegue entender tudo, ou pelo menos a ideia principal de cada frase. Se tiver dúvidas, é só falar comigo por DM no instagram: @rosefsouza_
Começando por…
Anne with an E (ou Ana Com A)
A série Anne with an E se passa no final de 1890, conta a história da órfã Anne e suas aventuras, abordando temas como pressão para a conformidade, desigualdade de gênero, racismo, homofobia, religião e liberdade de expressão.
“Women matter on their own, not in relation to a man”
on their own – alone, without help from anyone else
“We all deserve the right to body autonomy, and to be treated with respect and dignity.”
right – your opportunity to act and to be treated in particular ways that the law promises to protect for the benefit of society
“A show of solidarity to remind the town that all voices matter.”
to matter – to be important
“She was the first person with whom I did not have to hide.”
to hide – o put something or someone in a place where that thing or person cannot be seen or found, or to put yourself somewhere where you cannot be seen or found
“What I’m saying is, there is no straight path in art or life. Sometimes there’s no path at all, and one must break down walls..”
path – a route or track between one place and another
Agora, passando para…
And Just Like That…
Eu acho que quem gostou de Sex And The City está gostando dessa continuação, que está na HBOMAX. As novas situações colocam as três personagens (Samantha não está, todos já sabem!) diante de suas crenças e visões de mundo – algumas antigas, outras renovadas. Veja se dá para perceber isso nestas frases:
“I’m getting a Master’s in Human Rights to pair with my Law degree, so, hopefully I can become an advocate for women who need one. I don’t have to be a spicy redhead to do that.”
spicy – exciting and interesting, especially because of being shocking or dealing with sexual matters
“There are more important issues in the world than trying to look young.”
issues – a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about
“I’m your host, and queer, nonbinary, Mexican, Irish diva representing everyone else outside these two boring genders. Yes, I know no one can represent all the genders or sexual orientation, or an entire race.”
host – someone who has guests
“I wanna wear what I wanna wear.”
wear – to have clothing, jewelry, etc. on your body
“Everyone was looking at me, like I was the white lady who couldn’t stop saying the word black. It’s a miracle nobody pulled out their phone, or I would be a meme now.”
to pull out something – to withdraw
“I think I was just so worried about saying the wrong thing in this climate that I said all the wrong things.”
climate – situation
Se você gostou deste conteúdo, compartilhe em suas redes, marcando seus amigos que querem melhorar o inglês com temas leves e relevantes!
Escrito por Rose Souza e publicado na coluna semanal da Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.