Estudantes de inglês sabem que às vezes é bem difícil entender as manchetes de jornais internacionais. |
Trouxemos hoje headlines* de notícias sobre o Brasil, para você testar seu vocabulário.
Leia as seis palavras abaixo, e depois tente completar as cinco manchetes.
Graft Inmates Quell
Riot Tycoon Fail
* headlines: a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a newspaper, or the main points of the news that are broadcast on television or radio:
Brazilian Governor Wants More Troops to Help ________ Violence (Feb,8)
Brazilian ______ Eike Batista is Arrested After Returning Home (Jan, 30)
Supreme Court Justice Helping to Oversee Brazil _____ Inquiry Dies in Plane Crash (Jan, 20)
How the Response to Zika ______ Millions (Jan, 16)
Prison _______ in Brazil Leaves at Least 10 _________ Dead (Jan,15)
Brazilian Governor Wants More Troops to Help QUELL Violence (Feb,8)
To quell = to completely stop or end something
Brazilian TYCOON Eike Batista is Arrested After Returning Home (Jan, 30)
Tycoon = a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful
Supreme Court Justice Helping to Oversee Brazil GRAFT Inquiry Dies in Plane Crash (Jan, 20)
Graft = the act of getting money or advantage through the dishonest use of political power and influence.
How the Response to Zika FAILED Millions (Jan, 16)
To fail = to not do something that should be done, not to help someone when expected to, to be unsuccessful
Prison RIOT in Brazil Leaves at Least 10 IINMATES Dead (Jan,15)
Riot = a noisy and violent public gathering
Inmates = a person who is forced by law to stay in a prison or hospital
To quell = to completely stop or end something
Brazilian TYCOON Eike Batista is Arrested After Returning Home (Jan, 30)
Tycoon = a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful
Supreme Court Justice Helping to Oversee Brazil GRAFT Inquiry Dies in Plane Crash (Jan, 20)
Graft = the act of getting money or advantage through the dishonest use of political power and influence.
How the Response to Zika FAILED Millions (Jan, 16)
To fail = to not do something that should be done, not to help someone when expected to, to be unsuccessful
Prison RIOT in Brazil Leaves at Least 10 IINMATES Dead (Jan,15)
Riot = a noisy and violent public gathering
Inmates = a person who is forced by law to stay in a prison or hospital
Escrito por Rose Souza. Publicado em 15.02 na coluna semanal da Editado por Rose Souza para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas
Rosangela Souza é fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e ProfCerto. Graduada em Letras e Tradução/Interpretação pela Unibero, Business English na Philadelphia, USA. Especialista em Gestão Empresarial com MBA pela FGV e PÓSMBA pela FIA/FEA/USP. Desenvolveu projetos acadêmicos sobre segmento de idiomas, planejamento estratégico e indicadores de desempenho para MPMEs. Colunista do portal da Catho Carreira & Sucesso, e Professora de Técnicas de Comunicação, Gestão de Pessoas e Estratégia na pós graduação ADM da Fundação Getulio Vargas/FGV.
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