Aprendendo sobre online shaming em inglês - Companhia de Idiomas

Aprendendo sobre online shaming em inglês

“People talk about the attention economy — when you deprive someone of your attention, you’re depriving them of a livelihood.” – Lisa Nakamura, professor in the Department of American Cultures at the University of Michigan

Online shaming 

Sempre que sabemos que alguém teve informações privadas divulgadas publicamente, pensamos sobre media ethics. 

Online Shaming (shame = vergonha) acontece quando uma pessoa é humilhada publicamente na internet, especialmente através de social media platforms. Essa exposição negativa pode acontecer de diversas formas, que vamos aprender hoje (e refletir sobre) : canceling, doxing, negative reviews and revenge porn. Vamos ver cada uma dessas formas. As palavras grifadas têm definição no Glossário. 


To cancel someone (usually a celebrity or other well-known figure) means to stop giving support to that person. The act of canceling could entail boycotting an actor’s movies or no longer reading or promoting a writer’s works. The reason for cancellation can vary, but it usually is due to the person in question having expressed an objectionable opinion, or having conducted themselves in a way that is unacceptable, so that continuing to patronize that person’s work leaves a bitter taste.


to entail –  to have (something) as a part, step, or result

I’ll need to know a little more about what the job entails. [=involves].  

The procedure does entail [=carry] certain risks.

No longer – not anymore


Doxing involves researching and broadcasting personally identifiable information about an individual, often with the intention of harming that person.


to harm:  to cause hurt, injury, or damage to (someone or something) 

She is trying to destroy weeds without harming [=damaging] her crops.

Negative reviews

User generated review sites such as Yelp, Google Books and Trip Advisor have been used to publicly shame or punish businesses. Internet users are urged to give negative reviews in order to punish corporate interests or businesses they dislike


to be urged to   – to be persuaded to 

Revenge porn

Non-consensual sharing of sexually explicit material in order to humiliate a person, frequently distributed by computer hackers or ex-partners. Images and video of sexual acts are often combined with doxing of a person’s private details, such as their home addresses and workplaces. In some jurisdictions, revenge porn is a criminal offense.


The Origin of ‘Cancel Culture’

The idea of canceling—and as some have labeled it, cancel culture—has taken hold in recent years due to conversations prompted by #MeToo and other movements that demand greater accountability from public figures. This term has been credited to black users of Twitter, where it has been used as a hashtag. 

There is a performative aspect to canceling, one that (it could be argued) paradoxically amplifies that which it seeks to squelch, if only for the moment. To cancel someone publicly often requires broadcasting that act, which then makes the target of one’s canceling a subject of attention. The objective behind canceling is often to deny that attention, so that the person loses cultural cachet. 


To squelchto stop (something) from continuing by doing or saying something

A statement was made to squelch the rumors.  Police squelched  the protest. = The protest was squelched by police.


Merriam-Webster “What It Means to Get ‘Canceled'”

Wikipedia : Online-shaming

Escrito por Rosangela Souza e publicado na coluna semanal da Exame.com. Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.

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