Algumas falas de filmes de sucesso do cinema americano são ótimas para refletir sobre o capitalismo, carreira e sonhos. Veja se consegue identificar o filme, e aproveite para ampliar seu vocabulário em inglês.
“Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you… You can’t do something. Not even me. Alright? You got a dream… You gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.”
have got to Ex: You gotta be careful
have got a Ex: You gotta visa.
want to Ex: I wanna go
want a Ex: I wanna guitar
Movie: The Pursuit of Happiness (À Procura da Felicidade)
“The most valuable commodity I know of is information”
A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee. A useful or valuable thing, such as water or time. Ex: Water is a precious commodity.
Movie: Wall Street
“Adapt or Die“
to die
to stop living, to become extinct, to be forgotten (dies, died, dying)
Movie: Moneyball (O Homem que Mudou o Jogo)
“Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn’t quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.”
plural of mouse
past simple of fall
to give up
to stop trying to do something before you have finished, usually because it is too difficult. (desistir)
to drown
to (cause to) die by being unable to breathe underwater. (afogar-se)
to struggle
to experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do something (lutar por algo)
in the end, especially after a long time or a lot of effort, problems, etc (no final)
to churn
to mix milk until it becomes butter; to move something, especially a liquid, with great force
to crawl
to move slowly or with difficulty, especially with your body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees
Movie: Catch Me If You Can (Prenda – me se For Capaz)
“There’s no such thing as too far. You understand? You push everything as far as you can. You push and you push and you push until it starts pushing back. And then you push some goddamn more.”
to push
to use physical pressure or force, especially with your hands, in order to move something into a different position, usually one that is further away from you (empurrar)
Movie: Two For The Money (Tudo por Dinheiro)
Se quiser praticar mais o seu inglês, temos cursos feitos sob medida para as suas necessidades. Fale com a gente!
Escrito por Rosangela Souza e publicado na coluna semanal de inglês da Revista Exame. Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.
Rosangela Souza (ou Rose Souza) é fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas. Graduada em Letras/Tradução/Interpretação pela Unibero, Especialista em Gestão Empresarial, MBA pela FGV e PÓSMBA pela FIA/FEA/USP, além de cursos livres de Business English nos EUA. Quando morava em São Paulo, foi professora na Pós Graduação ADM da FGV. Desenvolveu projetos acadêmicos sobre segmento de idiomas, planejamento estratégico e indicadores de desempenho para MPMEs. Colunista dos portais Catho,, MundoRH, AboutMe e Desde 2016, escolheu administrar a Companhia de Idiomas à distância e morar em Canela/RS, aquela cidadezinha ao lado de Gramado =) . Quer falar com ela? ou pelo Skype rose.f.souza