Algo a aprender com Donald Trump - Companhia de Idiomas

Algo a aprender com Donald Trump

A Forbes publicou os 10 Tweets mais ofensivos do presidente americano Donald Trump.  Fizemos um quiz com eles para você testar seu inglês (além de aprender dez palavras e expressões que você NÃO deve usar por aí)


1. “The _________  that clown  @krauthammer has for me is unbelievable – causes him to lie.” 

a. hater    
b. hated    
c. hatred

2. “How can a dummy dope______ Harry Hurt, who wrote a failed book about me, be on TV discussing Trump?”

a. like    
b. as        
c. how

3. “My plan will ________ taxes for our country, not raise them. Phony @club4growth says I will raise taxes – just another lie.” 

a. low    
b. lower      
c. increase

4. “Lightweight Senator @RandPaul should focus on trying to get elected in Kentucky – a great state which is_________ by him.”  

a. embarrassment    
b. embarrassed      

5. “Every Poll has me winning BIG. If you listen to dopey Karl Rove, a Trump hater, on  @oreillyfactor, you would _______I’m doing poorly.” 

a. think      
b. have thought          
c. to think

6. “Truly weird Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky _____________ a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain. He was terrible at DEBATE!”

a. reminds me of        
b. remembers me of   
c. reminds me

7. “The president of the pathetic Club For Growth came to my office in N.Y.C. and asked for a ridiculous $ 1,000,000 contribution. I said no way!”

a. asked about        
b. asked for      
c. asked

8. “@MeghanMcCain was terrible on @TheFive yesterday. Angry and obnoxious, she ________on TV. @FoxNews can do so much better!”

a. never will make it    
b. will make it never 
c. will never make it

9. @FrankLuntz is a low class slob who came to my office ____________consulting work and I had zero interest. Now he picks anti-Trump panels!”.

a. looking for      
b. looking at        
c.looking forward

10. “Huma Abedin, the top aide to Hillary Clinton and the wife of perv sleazebag Anthony Wiener, was a major _______ risk as a collector of info.” 

a. safety    
b. security    
c. safe
1. c. hatred  (synonym: hate) 
2. a. like 
3. b. lower
4. b. embarrassed
5. a. think      
6. a. reminds me of 
7. b. asked for  
8. c. will never make it 
9. a. looking for     
10.  b. security                     

Escrito por Rose Souza para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas 

Rosangela Souza é fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e ProfCerto. Graduada em Letras e Tradução/Interpretação pela Unibero, Business English na Philadelphia, USA. Especialista em Gestão Empresarial com MBA pela FGV e PÓSMBA pela FIA/FEA/USP.  Desenvolveu projetos acadêmicos sobre segmento de idiomas, planejamento estratégico e indicadores de desempenho para MPMEs. Colunista do portal da Catho Carreira & Sucesso, e   Professora de Técnicas de Comunicação, Gestão de Pessoas e Estratégia na pós graduação ADM da Fundação Getulio Vargas/FGV.

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