Encontre os erros de inglês neste anúncio do Airbnb - Companhia de Idiomas

Encontre os erros de inglês neste anúncio do Airbnb

Encontramos um anúncio no AirBnb de uma opção de hospedagem+trabalho, na Escócia, um tanto inusitada e MUITO interessante! Leia alguns trechos e veja como é possível aprender uma língua de forma criativa.
Mas atenção: colocamos intencionalmente 10 erros no texto! Tente corrigi-los e depois confira suas respostas.

The Open Book is a charmed bookshop with apartment above in the heart of Wigtown, Scotland’s National Book Town. Live your dream to have your very own bookshop by the sea in Scotland…for a week or two. Scotland’s National Book Town is in the most beautiful part of Scotland: Galloway.
The first ever bookshop holiday/residency experience, Scotland’s National Book Town welcomes you to play-bookshop. We’ll give you your very own apartment and bookshop bellow, supported by a team of friendly volunteers to make your trip as lovely as possible.
Set up by The Wigtown Festival Company, The Open Book’s aim is to celebrate books, independent bookshops and welcome people around the world to Scotland’s National Book Town. The fee for your staying is low because we are a non-profit. It covers the running costs of the holiday but that is all. A laptop and WiFi are provided, plus bicycles for those who likes to explore the bucolic countryside on two wheels! The Open Book has a team of volunteers which want to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Someone will be here to meet/greet you. We are a friendly community, many residents have had a busy time joining local families for dinner or gatherings at the pub, others residents spend the holiday in the cozy apartment upstairs and out exploring. Please note that this is not a volunteer opportunity, nor we are paying you to work. This is a holiday that you are paying, classified under cultural tourism and you can enjoy the bookshop as you wish. It is the sole responsability of the resident to ensure that they adhere to any visa requirements or similar regulations.


The Open Book is a charming bookshop with apartment

Live your dream of having your very own bookshop

We’ll give you your very own apartment and bookshop below

The fee for your stay is low

…plus bicycles for those who like

The Open Book has a team of volunteers who want

other residents spend the holiday in the cozy apartment

nor are we paying you to work

This is a holiday that you are paying for

It is the sole responsibility of the resident…



Escrito por Rose Souza. Publicado em 21.06 na coluna semanal da Exame.com. Editado por Rose Souza para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas

Rosangela Souza é fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e ProfCerto. Graduada em Letras e Tradução/Interpretação pela Unibero, Business English na Philadelphia, USA. Especialista em Gestão Empresarial com MBA pela FGV e PÓSMBA pela FIA/FEA/USP. Desenvolveu projetos acadêmicos sobre segmento de idiomas, planejamento estratégico e indicadores de desempenho para MPMEs. Colunista do portal da Catho Carreira & Sucesso, RH.com e Exame.com. Professora de Técnicas de Comunicação, Gestão de Pessoas e Estratégia na pós graduação ADM da Fundação Getulio Vargas/FGV.

E se você quer se aprofundar neste assunto, fale com a gente. A Companhia de Idiomas tem professores que vão até a sua casa ou empresa e que dão aulas por Skype. Fale com: karina.soares@companhiadeidiomas.com.br

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