QUIZ - PALAVRAS NOVAS - Companhia de Idiomas


Todo ano, cerca de 1.000 novas palavras e frases entram para a língua inglesa. Embora sejam consideradas novas, muitas delas são resultado de abreviações ou pequenas alterações em palavras ou frases que já usamos há tempos.  Vamos ver se seu vocabulário geral está up-to-date? 


1. An excitable way to celebrate success or triumph by thrusting your clenched fist up into the air. When the referee blew the final whistle, we celebrated the win with cheers and….
a) freegan
b) air punches
c) skort


2. It is an article, blog or any other piece of writing that is presented wholly or partly in the form of a list.   I found a really good …… about new English words on this blog.
a) binge-watch

b) listicle

c) omnishambles


3. If someone describes an event or situation using this word, you know it is bad. It describes something that has gone completely wrong due to incompetence, mismanagement and miscalculation at the highest level.  This is a disaster, a complete ……
a) vape

b) buko

c) omnishambles  

4.  A recent trend is to give up smoking cigarettes in favor of electronic ones. For the sake of my health, I decided to give up smoking and try ………….
a) to vape
b) to binge-watch  
c) to glamp


5.  The huge take-up of on-demand TV has brought about this new word. It means to watch a large number of television shows, usually from the same series, in succession.    I am ill, so I’m planning ………..  the whole of series one of Game of thrones in one day!
a) krumping

b) to binge-watch  

c) to vape


6. In opposition to consumerism and capitalism, there is a group of people that tries to recycle everything. Steve hates waste, so he decided to become a …….. to reduce food waste. 
a) buko

b) crowdfund

c) freegan

7. A new fashion item that looks great but it is practical, too – a pair of shorts with a flap of material over the top that makes it look like a skirt.  I want to go roller-skating, so I bought a ……. 
a) skort
b) krumping
c) meh

1. b – air punches
2. b – listicles
3. c – omnishambles  (omni=total + shambles=total disorder)
4. a – to vape
5. b – to binge-watch  
6. c –  freegan
7. a – skort

Escrito por Rose Souza. Publicado em 08.01 na coluna semanal da Exame.com. Editado por Rose Souza para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas 

Rosangela Souza é fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e ProfCerto. Graduada em Letras e Tradução/Interpretação pela Unibero, Business English na Philadelphia, USA. Especialista em Gestão Empresarial com MBA pela FGV e PÓSMBA pela FIA/FEA/USP.  Desenvolveu projetos acadêmicos sobre segmento de idiomas, planejamento estratégico e indicadores de desempenho para MPMEs. Colunista do portal da Catho Carreira & Sucesso, RH.com e Exame.com.   Professora de Técnicas de Comunicação, Gestão de Pessoas e Estratégia na pós graduação ADM da Fundação Getulio Vargas/FGV.

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