A história por trás de Inventing Anna (em inglês) - Companhia de Idiomas

A história por trás de Inventing Anna (em inglês)


Hoje vamos ver, em inglês, quatro fatos sobre a série do Netflix “Inventing Anna” (que é imperdível para quem gosta da Shonda Rhimes “Grey’s Anatomy” e “Scandal”).  

Se você não assistiu, melhor assistir antes de ler este artigo, porque tem spoiler,  e porque vai ser mais divertido ler depois! Coloquei aqui também definições das palavras mais incomuns, e algumas dicas de gramática. 


  1. Todos os episódios trazem esse “disclaimer”: 

This whole story is completely true.” 

“Except for all the parts that are totally made up.”

Dica de gramática: 

complete (adjective)  / completely (advérbio)  – apenas um “l” 

total  (adjective) / totally (advérbio) – veja que aqui tem dois “l” – porque o adjetivo traz um deles. 

A pergunta que fazemos sobre o disclaimer é: 

“Does the second half of the disclaimer refer to the stories Sorokin told her high-society marks?”

 “Or does it describe the story we see onscreen — the one behind Sorokin’s stories?”


  1. Tanto a Anna Sorokin como a Shonda Rhimes concordariam que: 

“There’s no sense in letting facts get in the way of a good tale”.

  • to get in the way : to be in a position that prevents something from happening or someone from moving. 
  • tale:  a story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe 

Dica de gramática:   

Veja que o verbo “to let” está no gerúndio, porque antes dele tem uma preposição “in”.  

There is no sense in talking to him

There is no sense in staying here


  1. Mas o que a Anna Sorokin fez, de verdade? 

Anna teve um julgamento que durou um mês, em 2019. Há provas de que: 

  • She stole a private jet 
  • She bilked banks, hotels and associates out of about $200,000
  • She did all of this while attempting to secure a $25 million loan from a hedge fund to create an exclusive arts club. 
  • Swindling her way into a life of luxury, Sorokin deceived Manhattan’s elite into believing she was a German heiress worth 60 million euros.  In reality, she had no real wealth, college degree or business experience. She wasn’t even German.
  • to bilk banks: to get money from someone unfairly or dishonestly
  • loan: an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing
  • to swindle: to get money dishonestly from someone by deceiving or cheating them
  • heiress: a woman or girl who will receive or already has received a lot of money, property, or a title from another person, especially an older member of the same family, when that person dies





Escrito por Rose Souza e publicado na coluna semanal da Exame.com. Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.


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