Pratique inglês com a pesquisa Future of HR, feita pela KPMG - Companhia de Idiomas

Pratique inglês com a pesquisa Future of HR, feita pela KPMG

Hoje vamos ver os highlights da pesquisa Future of HR, da KPMG. Foram entrevistados para esta pesquisa 1.362 executivas e executivos de RH, de 55 países. E como esta coluna tem como objetivo também aprimorar seu inglês, listei aqui sete conclusões da pesquisa, e sete comentários das mesmas. Você vai relacionar as conclusões aos respectivos comentários, em um ótimo exercício de interpretação de texto específico da área de RH.  Mas calma, no final tem as respostas para você conferir! 

Primeiro, leia e compreenda as sete principais conclusões da pesquisa: 

  1. HR is navigating its way through disruption
  2. Workforce shaping is HR’s defining challenge 
  3. The upskilling equation
  4. Prioritizing culture
  5. The workforce expects a consumer grade experience
  6. Preferred methods to measure EX are changing
  7. Power through data

Agora, leia os comentários sobre cada uma delas, e relacione os assuntos.

  • ………56% of HR organizations identify enhancing analytics capabilities as among the top three reasons for investment in HR technology
  • ……….95% of HR executives are prioritizing employee experience (EX) as a focus area
  • ….…….To manage the impact of AI on the workforce, at least 2 in 3 HR executives, and 3 in 4 organizations are prioritizing upskilling all of the workforce.
  • ….……61% of respondents are in the process of changing their organization’s culture to align to their organization’s purpose
  • ….…….HR organizations will increase focus on measuring EX via social media sentiment analysis, Internet of Things and wearable devices, and tracking of data beyond the traditional HR system such as analyzing email, calendar, and chat for change in patterns.
  • …….….Close to 60% of HR executives believe that the HR function will rapidly become irrelevant if it doesn’t modernize its approach to understanding and planning for the future needs of the workforce. 56% of HR respondents agree that preparing the workforce for AI will be the biggest challenge for the HR function
  • …….….76% of HR agree that HR needs to actively challenge the future workforce composition (who to buy, build, borrow, what to bot)

E, finalmente, leia o texto completo para você conferir sua atividade e refletir sobre o tema: 

  1. HR is navigating its way through disruption 

Close to 60% of HR executives believe that the HR function will rapidly become irrelevant if it doesn’t modernize its approach to understanding and planning for the future needs of the workforce. 56% of HR respondents agree that preparing the workforce for AI will be the biggest challenge for the HR function

  1. Workforce shaping is HR’s defining challenge 

76% of HR agree that HR needs to actively challenge the future workforce composition (who to buy, build, borrow, what to bot)

2. The upskilling equation

To manage the impact of AI on the workforce, at least 2 in 3 HR executives, and 3 in 4 pathfinding organizations are prioritizing upskilling all of the workforce.

3. Prioritizing culture

61% of respondents are in the process of changing their organization’s culture to align to their organization’s purpose

4. The workforce expects a consumer grade experience

95% of HR executives are prioritizing employee experience (EX) as a focus area

5.Preferred methods to measure EX are changing

HR organizations will increase focus on measuring EX via social media sentiment analysis, Internet of Things and wearable devices, and tracking of data beyond the traditional HR system such as analyzing email, calendar, and chat for change in patterns.

6. Power through data

56% of HR organizations identify enhancing analytics capabilities as among the top three reasons for investment in HR technology

Para ver a pesquisa completa:

Escrito por Rose Souza e publicado na coluna mensal da Você RH. Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.

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