Melhore seu inglês com esta tendência de negócios - Companhia de Idiomas

Melhore seu inglês com esta tendência de negócios

O Movimento Capitalismo Consciente é global e teve origem nos Estados Unidos a partir de um estudo acadêmico, conduzido por Raj Sisodia, Jaf Shereth e David Wolf. O estudo tinha o objetivo de verificar como algumas empresas conseguiam manter alta reputação e fidelidade dos clientes, sem ter investimentos abusivos em publicidade e marketing.

Antes de ser publicado, o estudo chegou ao conhecimento de John Mackey, CEO da Whole Foods, que identificou muitas características e atitudes que já aplicava em seu negócio há muitos anos. Com sua contribuição, o estudo evoluiu para o livro Firms of Endearment(traduzido no Brasil como “Empresas Humanizadas”), que fala sobre como as empresas lucram a partir da paixão e propósito.

Este movimento tem crescido muito no Brasil nos últimos 3 anos com eventos conduzidos pelo Movimento Capitalismo Consciente e também pela pesquisa Empresas Humanizadas. Portanto, que tal estudar inglês através deste tema relevante?

1. Fill in the blanks with the words below:

More accurateOther Growing 
BetterChanging Attending 
DeeperTargeting Offerings

What is a Firm of Endearment?

Consider the words affection, love, joy, authenticity, empathy, compassion, soulfulness, and _________ terms of endearment. Until recently, such words had no place in business. That is ___________. Today, a __________ number of companies comfortably embrace such terms. That is why we coined the phrase “firms of endearment,” or FoE. Quite simply, an FoE is a company that endears itself to stakeholders by ___________ the interests of all stakeholder groups into strategic alignment. No stakeholder group benefits at the expense of any other stakeholder group, and each prospers as the _________ do. These companies meet the functional and psychological needs of their stakeholders in ways that delight them and engender affection for and loyalty to the company.

During the 1990s, the phrase “share of wallet” became popular among marketers. It became the primary focus of the marketing approach called customer relationship management (CRM). However, the term signified an emotionally barren, largely impersonal and quantitative view of customers. For the vast majority of companies, CRM was more about _______   ____________ and __________ exploitation of customers through data management than about empathetically ______________ to their needs. Instead of customer relationship management, it would have been _____________ to call it customer data management.

FoEs have bought into a different idea; they strive for share of heart. Earn a place in the customer’s heart and she will gladly offer you a _________ share of her wallet. Do the same for an employee and the employee will give back with a quantum leap in productivity and work quality. Emotionally bond with your suppliers and reap the benefits of superior ____________ and responsiveness. Give communities in which you operate reasons to feel pride in your presence and enjoy a fertile source of customers and employees. (Of course, the phrase “share of heart” suggests that there is a fixed amount of love and care to be divided among claimants. In reality, there is no such limit, as the expression “Love is not a pie” suggests.)

2. Write down a paragraph on your opinion about this concept and philosophy of managing businesses. If you want, share your thoughts with us.


What Is a Firm of Endearment?

Consider the words affection, love, joy, authenticity, empathy, compassion, soulfulness, and other terms of endearment. Until recently, such words had no place in business. That is changing. Today, a growing number of companies comfortably embrace such terms. That is why we coined the phrase “firms of endearment,” or FoE. Quite simply, an FoE is a company that endears itself to stakeholders by bringing the interests of all stakeholder groups into strategic alignment. No stakeholder group benefits at the expense of any other stakeholder group, and each prospers as the others do. These companies meet the functional and psychological needs of their stakeholders in ways that delight them and engender affection for and loyalty to the company.

During the 1990s, the phrase “share of wallet” became popular among marketers. It became the primary focus of the marketing approach called customer relationship management (CRM). However, the term signified an emotionally barren, largely impersonal and quantitative view of customers. For the vast majority of companies, CRM was more about better targeting and deeper exploitation of customers through data management than about empathetically attending to their 

needs. Instead of customer relationship management, it would have been more accurate to call it customer data management.

FoEs have bought into a different idea; they strive for share of heart. Earn a place in the customer’s heart and she will gladly offer you a bigger share of her wallet. Do the same for an employee and the employee will give back with a quantum leap in productivity and work quality. Emotionally bond with your suppliers and reap the benefits of superior offerings and responsiveness. Give communities in which you operate reasons to feel pride in your presence and enjoy a fertile source of customers and employees. (Of course, the phrase “share of heart” suggests that there is a fixed amount of love and care to be divided among claimants. In reality, there is no such limit, as the expression “Love is not a pie” suggests.)

Escrito por Lígia Crispino e publicado na coluna semanal da Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.

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