3 atividades de inglês extraídas do filme Collateral Beauty de Will Smith - Companhia de Idiomas

3 atividades de inglês extraídas do filme Collateral Beauty de Will Smith

Há inúmeras maneiras de aprender inglês de uma maneira divertida e relaxante, uma delas é através de filmes. O filme Collateral Beauty (Beleza Oculta) tem um elenco de primeira e aborda um tema profundo. 


Vamos estudar com essas 3 atividades que preparei com trechos do trailer e do featurette (a short film), no qual os atores principais falam sobre o que acreditam ser the collateral beauty. Desta forma, não dou uma de spoiler (vem do verbo to spoil que significa estragar) para aqueles que ainda não assistiram.

O nome escolhido em português foge um pouco do significado que o original traz. Por isso, antes de começar, vamos ver as definições do adjetivo collateral:

a. Situated or running side by side; parallel.
b. Coinciding in tendency or effect; concomitant or accompanying.
c. Of a secondary nature; subordinate.
d. Serving to support or corroborate


1. Find out the 12 mistakes in the sentences below and correct them


“Howard is a brilliant, creative, charismatic guy who used to loving life. Right now, he hate it. I try to talk to him and he’s not there, I miss him.”, says Whit (Edward Norton)

“We are here to connect. 
Love. Time. Death. 
Now, these three things connect every single human being on Earth.
We long for love. We wish we have more time and we have fear of death”, says Howard (Will Smith)

Death and Howard:

Whom did you write the letter for?
I wrote the letter for Death.
Nice to meet you. Charmed I’m sure.
People writes letters to the Universe all the time. Most don’t get a personnal response. But you are!
I don’t want this.

Time and Howard:

I’m time. I’m a gift. And you are wasting it.


Love and Howard:

I am love. Don’t try to live without me, Howard.
I saw you in her eyes when she called me Daddy, and you betray me!
I’m the reason for everything! If you can accept that, then maybe you get to live again.



Just look for it and I promise you is there. The collateral beauty.

“The very idea of collateral beauty is that no matter how dark and no matter how difficult is a time, there’s something beautiful happening right there! You just have to look and you just have to see it.” Will Smith

2. Vocabulary

I. “The very idea of collateral beauty is…” What is the meaning of the underlined word?

a. much
b. truly
c. extremely
d. exact

II. Which alternative has the right option of noun for the verb to hate?

a. hate
b. hating
c. hatred
d. hated

III. Which alternative best explains the meaning of the verb to betray?

a. to disappoint the expectations 
b. to confuse the feelings
c. to puzzle
d. to flee

3. Extra activities using www.thefreedictionary.com

1. Check the pronunciation of the words creative, charismatic, accept  
2. Check the meaning of long for and write down two sentences about things you long for.
3. Write a composition about Death, Time and Love.

Trailer do filme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isQ5Ycie73U 
Featurette do filme: https://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/collateral-beauty 


1. Find out the mistakes and correct them

“Howard is a brilliant, creative, charismatic guy who used to love life. Right now, he hates it. I try to talk to him and he’s not there, I miss him.”, says Whit (Edward Norton)

“We are here to connect.

Love. Time. Death.

Now, these three things connect every single human being on Earth.

We long for love. We wish we had more time and we fear death”, says Howard (Will Smith)

Death and Howard: 

Who did you write the letter to? 

I wrote the letter to Death. 

Nice to meet you. Charmed I’m sure. 


People write letters to the Universe all the time. Most don’t get a personal response. But you are! 

I don’t want this.


Time and Howard:

I’m time. I’m a gift. And you are wasting it.


Love and Howard:

I am love. Don’t try to live without me, Howard.
I saw you in her eyes when she called me Daddy, and you betrayed me!

I’m the reason for everything! If you can accept that, then maybe you get to live again.


Just look for it and I promise you it’s there. The collateral beauty.


“The very idea of collateral beauty is that no matter how dark and no matter how difficult a time is, there’s something beautiful happening right there! You just have to look and you just have to see it.” Will Smith


2. Vocabulary

I. d
II. c 

III. a

Escrito por Lígia Crispino. Publicado em 08/02 na Exame.com. Editado por Lígia Crispino para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.

Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e do ProfCerto. Graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC. Coautora do Guia Corporativo Política de Treinamento para RHs e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha. Colunista dos portais RH.com, Vagas Profissões e Revista da Cultura. Organizadora do Sarau Conversar na Livraria Martins Fontes.

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