Como as férias de julho já estão aí batendo a nossa porta, vale a pena abordar algumas informações relevantes para entrar nos EUA, um destino ainda procurado por muitos brasileiros. Para ficar mais interessante, preparei um exercício com o qual você possa treinar o inglês ao mesmo tempo que esclarece eventuais dúvidas sobre o processo de imigração em solo americano. |
Escolha as alternativas que preenchem todo o texto corretamente:
Almost a million individuals enter 1. ( ) in ( ) – ( ) to the U.S. daily. Everyone arriving 2. ( ) at ( ) in ( ) on a port of entry to the U.S. is subject to inspection by 3. ( ) Customs ( ) Custom ( ) Costumes and Border Protection – CBP – officers. The more international travelers know about what to expect, 4. ( ) the more easy and quick ( ) how much easier and quicker ( ) the easier and quicker the process becomes.
5. ( ) Learn ( ) To learn Learning about traveler entry forms, agricultural products allowed and prohibited, what items are dutiable, and 6. ( ) others informations ( ) other information ( ) other informations about the process will help you move speedily through the CBP process.
Almost a million individuals enter 1. ( ) in ( ) – ( ) to the U.S. daily. Everyone arriving 2. ( ) at ( ) in ( ) on a port of entry to the U.S. is subject to inspection by 3. ( ) Customs ( ) Custom ( ) Costumes and Border Protection – CBP – officers. The more international travelers know about what to expect, 4. ( ) the more easy and quick ( ) how much easier and quicker ( ) the easier and quicker the process becomes.
5. ( ) Learn ( ) To learn Learning about traveler entry forms, agricultural products allowed and prohibited, what items are dutiable, and 6. ( ) others informations ( ) other information ( ) other informations about the process will help you move speedily through the CBP process.
Travel documents and identification required
A foreign national or alien 7. ( ) is required ( ) is requiring ( ) are required to present a passport and valid visa issued by a U.S. Consular Official, 8. ( ) therefore ( ) unless ( ) however they are a citizen of a country eligible for the Visa Waiver Program, or are a lawful permanent resident of 9. ( ) the ( ) – ( ) an U.S. or a citizen of Canada.
A foreign national or alien 7. ( ) is required ( ) is requiring ( ) are required to present a passport and valid visa issued by a U.S. Consular Official, 8. ( ) therefore ( ) unless ( ) however they are a citizen of a country eligible for the Visa Waiver Program, or are a lawful permanent resident of 9. ( ) the ( ) – ( ) an U.S. or a citizen of Canada.
This information only covers food (fruit, cheese, meat etc.) entering the United States in passenger 10. ( ) baggage ( ) luggages ( ) baggages for 11. ( ) personnel ( ) personal ( ) person use.
You may 12. ( ) to be able to bring ( ) be able to bringing ( ) be able to bring in food such as fruits, meats or other agricultural products 13. ( ) depending of ( ) depending on ( ) depend the region or country 14. ( ) from which ( ) of whom ( ) of where you are traveling. Restrictions are placed on these products to protect community health, preserve the environment and prevent the introduction of devastating diseases to domestic plants and animals. You must declare all food products. Failure to declare food products can result 15. ( ) in up to ( ) to up ( ) on to $10,000 in fines and penalties.
Medications and medical devices
Prescription medications should be in 16. ( ) its ( ) your ( ) their original containers with the doctor’s prescription printed on the container. It is advised that you travel with no more than personal use quantities, a rule of thumb is no more than 17. ( ) a 90 day supply ( ) a 90 days supply ( ) a 90 day supplies. If your medications or devices are not in their original containers, you 18. ( ) may ( ) must ( ) might to have a copy of your prescription with you or a letter from your doctor. A valid prescription or doctors note is required on all medication entering the U.S. The FDA is 19. ( ) responsible for ( ) responsable for ( ) responsible of pharmaceutical admissibility determinations.
If you are traveling with medical devices such as needles or oxygen tanks that could pose a security or safety 20. ( ) concerning ( ) concerned ( ) concern to others, be sure to have a copy of the prescription for those items from your doctor.
Para finalizar tem mais uma informação importante que é a quantidade de dinheiro a levar. Na verdade, você pode levar a quantia que quiser, só que se ultrapassar 10 mil dólares, você terá de informar e pedir um formlário para isso: FinCen 105. Se não o fizer e for pego com quantia superior à permitida, poderá até ser preso. Depois de tomados todos os cuidados e estar com um bom nível de inglês é só curtir a viagem!
1. –
2. At
3. Customs
4. The easier and quicker
5. Learning
6. Other information
7. Is required
8. Unless
9. The
10. Baggage
11. Personal
12. Be able to bring
13. Depending on
14. From which
15. In up to
16. Their
17. A 90 day supply
18. Must
19. Responsible for
20. Concern
Escrito por Lígia Crispino. Publicado em 29/06 na coluna semanal da Editado por Lígia Crispino para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.
Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e do ProfCerto. Graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC. Coautora do Guia Corporativo Política de Treinamento para RHs e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha. Colunista dos portais, Vagas Profissões e Revista da Cultura. Organizadora do Sarau Conversar na Livraria Cultura.
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