Você já parou para pensar que muitas habilidades exigidas nos esportes também são importantes para o seu próprio desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional?
Os atletas dedicam muitas horas para alcançar o melhor desempenho, e todo profissional que tem como objetivo crescer na própria carreira deveria fazer o mesmo. E, nessa jornada, o inglês é um dos degraus que vai ajudar você a crescer cada vez mais e alcançar novos patamares.
Então vamos fazer alguns exercícios para aprimorar o seu inglês?
No texto abaixo você vai encontrar vários exemplos de um ponto gramatical muito comum mas que com frequência é esquecido: o verbo como sujeito de uma frase.
Você já sabe que todo verbo no infinitivo, ou seja, quando não está conjugado, deve vir acompanhado de “to”, como “to work” (trabalhar), “to play” (jogar), “to study” (estudar). Mas a situação é diferente quando o verbo é o sujeito de uma frase: em vez de vir acompanhado de “to” ele vai ganhar “-ing” no final (e não, a tradução não será “trabalhando”, “jogando”, “estudando”). Olha só:
Playing sports is good for your health. (Praticar esportes é bom para a sua saúde)
Working hard is necessary to achieve your goals. (Trabalhar duro é necessário para alcançar seus objetivos)
Studying will help you grow in your career. (Estudar vai ajudar você a crescer em sua carreira)
Agora faça os exercícios abaixo para praticar um pouco mais, aprenda 10 lições dos esportes para a sua carreira, e lembre-se de cada uma delas quando estiver assistindo às Olimpíadas de 2021 🙂
Exercise 1: Vocabulary
Match the words to their corresponding definitions.
a) To achieve | ( ) manage a situation or problem |
b) To get along | ( ) successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage |
c) To handle | ( ) deal effectively with something difficult |
d) To cope | ( ) have a harmonious or friendly relationship |
e) To deviate | ( ) depart from an established course |
Exercise 2: Reading
Try to find 5 examples where the verb acts as the subject of the sentence (but be careful: not every verb with “-ing” is the verb as subject, ok?).
1. Be passionate
First things first: If you’re not passionate enough, you’re never going to achieve anything. You need to really want to do something to be able to do it.
2. Right attitude
Having the right attitude is important, it will determine how high you fly. Especially in a team sport, having the right attitude will mean you get along with your team.
3. Goal setting
Set your targets and work towards it. You need to know what you want to achieve in life and work systematically towards reaching your goals.
4. Practice makes perfect
The only way to get better is to practice. It is a simple rule of life that the more times you do something, the better you will get at it.
5. Handling pressure
It’s all about adrenalin! From preparing for the big game to standing on the start line of the final race, coping with high-pressure situations is a natural occurrence in sport.
6. Perseverance
Try, try and try again until you succeed. There is no reason why it cannot be done. And if it hasn’t be done before, well you’re just going to have to be the first one to do it.
7. Mental strength
Half the battle is in your head. If you don’t believe you can do it, you have no chance at all. You need to have some faith in yourself.
8. Believing in others
Just like how you believe in yourself, having faith in your teammates is important too. If you don’t believe in their ability, you cannot perform as a team.
9. Focus
Never lose focus. You should always have your target in your sights. You should know what you’re working towards, otherwise you will deviate from your path.
10. Keep learning
No matter how big you’ve made it, never stop learning. Because getting better never stops.
Exercise 1
Correct order: C – A – D – B – E
Exercise 2
1. Having the right attitude…
2. From preparing for the big game to standing on the start line of the final race…
3. …coping with high-pressure situations is a natural occurrence in sport.
4. …having faith in your teammates is important too.
5. Because getting better never stops.
Escrito por Michel Rosas e publicado na coluna semanal da Exame.com. Editado para o blog da Companhia de Idiomas.